Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Toga! Toga!

My uncle Ben has a navy blue shirt that has "COLLEGE" written in white across it. I never understood this shirt until now. I have finally watched Animal House. I'm pretty sure I don't even know what happened. There was a lot of drinking and some boobs and an old guy that hates fun and a lot of crazy shenanigans. That's basically what college is supposed to be right? Well I'll find out soon enough.

This movie was complete craziness. There were so many hilarious moments that were only hilarious because they made no sense at all. My favorite moment is when Bluto says: "Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" What a great message wrapped up in complete idiocy. It's no wonder why Bluto has a 0.0 GPA. I love this part because it took me a few seconds before I saw past his conviction into the completely screwed up statement. Complete genius. John Belushi was a genius throughout the entire film. I don't think I've ever seen someone play a drunken scumbag so well. It was pretty great. Those movies that require no thought at all are nice every once in awhile.

That being said, I really hope my college experience isn't too similar to this. I bet it was fun for those guys but the crazy drinking and failing out of school definitely isn't my cup of tea. If nothing else, this movie taught me what not to do. Nevertheless, watching a movie about college a week before you leave for college is a pretty fun time.

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