Friday, September 19, 2014

A Drug Called YouTube

I've decided that I am really bad at being productive. I always get my stuff done on time (don't worry mom) but what should take me only a little while usually takes a long time because I get distracted so easily. In my last post I talked about how there isn't enough hours in the day but I think my attention span is definitely a bigger problem. If I'm reading stuff then it's fine but as soon as you put this computer in my lap I end up watching dumb YouTube videos with my roommate. It started out with us listening to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons which was all good because I was still doing stuff. But then I wanted to show Cordy this "Anaconda" parody video and then she made me watch the actual "Anaconda" video (which is one of the most disgustingly, offensive things I've ever seen) so then we had to watch "Baby Got Back"...then YouTube (being such a good friend) had to offer us a video called "Top 10 videos of the 2000s" so we had to see that because countdowns are the best. Of course Justin Timberlake made the list so that led to watching Lonely Island was a mess. There goes an hour of potential productivity. But honestly, it's alright because we laughed and bonded and saw some big butts and it was great. Maybe if I hadn't had an energy drink tonight I would be tired and actually want to get stuff done so I could go to bed. I'm definitely going to regret this in the morning but I guess in the scope of things if this is all I regret then I'm doing alright. My RA did tell me once that he has never regretted not going to sleep earlier. Alright kids, I guess maybe I should stop procrastinating so that I can write my next DU sports article (which y'all should read when it posts!) and then watch Big Brother and then go to bed.

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