Friday, June 26, 2015

Love Wins

On this day, I am incredibly happy to be an American. Marriage equality is FINALLY a reality for all couples and it has been a long time coming. It's absurd to me that it has taken this long. Canada has had it legalized for over 10 years (just another reason why Canada is waaaay ahead of us). I am insanely excited for all of the loving couples that will now be accepted by every state. This also brings me hope that the LGBTQIA people I love will have relief from the persecution and hatred that they have endured throughout their lives.

I am ecstatic that the overwhelming opinion on this ruling is one of joy. Yet, there are still people out there who are upset and this often comes from religious reasons. My religion is very important to me and it always has been, but my beliefs tend to not match what is commonly preached by the Church. I firmly believe that if I was a lesbian, my God would still love and protect me just the same. I believe that God loves every single person on this planet if they are willing to love him back. These are just my beliefs, but the true fact of the matter is that religion has absolutely no place in determining the outcome of marriage equality. The Church does have the right to not marry same-sex couples under the law of God, but the Church has absolutely no right to deny these marriages under the law of America. Due to the cruelty and hatred portrayed by the Church on many occasions, I cannot imagine any same-sex couple wanting to be married in the Church anyway, so I don't think a gay couple asking to be married by a church would be a problem. When the Church interferes and says that same-sex marriage should not be allowed or worse when legislators use religion as support in their argument against it, we are attempting to force our beliefs onto others. When religion is used in government to support (or dissent) an argument, the faith is being compromised and imposed on other people. The same can be said for cases like abortion, which is why I have developed a completely non-religious argument for my beliefs on that issue. Catholicism and Christianity are a choice. Sexuality and love are not.

To those that say that same-sex marriage ruins the sanctity of marriage, I have a few words for you specifically. What about a person that has been divorced 3+ times? What about someone who cheats on his or her spouse and has an affair? What about someone who is married to a person they despise? Do these not ruin the sanctity of marriage? If marriage is truly about love, then allowing people who love one another to be married under the law only preserves its sanctity.

Today is a great victory for all Americans, gay, straight, and everywhere in between. Some people have waited their entire lives for this day and future Americans will be born into a country where love triumphs over labels. I could not be more grateful.

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